I'm New


Our Mission is to Preach God's word, to Teach God's people and Reach the world with God's love, through preaching, teaching, and song. Our Ministry would like to empower souls to be transformed by the gospel, to become believers of the gospel and to share the gospel with others. We are an equipping and mobilizing ministry that connects people with God, through authentic relationships. Our mission drives us to serve communities, help all who are lost and broken to become passionate, devoted followers and believers of God. 

Virtual Showings 

Sunday Mornings

9:00 am 

Thursday Evenings

7:00 pm

What To Expect

A typical service will last about 60 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team and worship ministers. Our Ministry would like to empower you to be transformed by the gospel, to become a believer of the gospel and to share the gospel with others.

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.